Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The most beautiful war; Diwali

Just a quick post about Diwali. Indians know how to have fun and as a result there are a lot of burn victims. It was Diwali here a few days ago and staying at the American Embassy while it was going on gave us the sense that we were in the middle of a war. There were sounds of exploxion everywhere, it wasn't like watching the fireworks in US. It was happening all the time and all around. The air was full of smoke even a km away from the nearest fireworks. I also got a minor throat infection from the air. And I of course suplurged $8 on a butt0load of fireworks meself: rockets, flower pots and most fun and crazy of all the hitler ground wheels, which is four rockets mounted on a swastika that spun on the ground. Well it was fun, made me want to learn how to make fireworks, which I will and include on our upcoming novel.
Things are slow here, we hope Esin leaves soon and waiting for documents from US for my stuff, but dont lose faith in us or in our blog as the adventure will take of on two wheels in December. Pir Melinge



Anonymous said...

hello everybody

Anonymous said...

who is Monsieur SWIFT?

Anonymous said...

or 4 wheels I wish.

with you guys,

Anonymous said...

You lucky kids, you get another installment of my 3 am rantings. Now that I figured how to post on your blog I feel oh so computer saavy.

Greetings from Bollywood! Hope your thankgiving was splendorific... Oh, what was that? you don't celebrate TG in east india? Did you say "thank you" to someone today? hah, so you did have a turkey day. In honor of the day, I have been knitting a hat that makes one look like a turkey when they wear it.Unfortunately, it is the mangy semi-plucked kind, not the vibrant pilgrim eating kind of turkey. Yes, we would have loved to share this great day with you. The house was well warmed by all the well-fed bodies and I was the domestic queen with an apron and oven mitts to boot. Now that's something you don't use while traveling the globe, oven mitts. I bet you havn't used an oven mitt once since you've been to india. In fact, I'll double that wager and bet you a pair of clean underwear each that you won't use an oven mitt for anything until you are well settled into your yert in the fine country of Turkey. Any takers? Anyone? clean underwear. good deal.

~~egnilem rip~~