Thursday, June 02, 2005

10 Days, 100 Hours Later

Some people go to jail because they are bad, and some go because they are good. Ten days of solitude, silence, and 10 hours of meditation a day; this was the hardest thing we did in a long time. But having said all that if you want to practice meditation this is the course to take, because of its intensity, it allows you to break through a barrier that might take years get through if at all. The experience was intensely personal and requires nothing but the good intentions and effort of the meditator. Perhaps that is one of the hardest aspects of the whole course: one learns that one is entirely responsible for one's experience and his/her reaction to it. No guru helps you achieve peace of mind, no outsider magically alleviates all one's unhappinesses, no thing soothes your aching muscles. The experience is wholly your own... like your life. Perhaps after more time has past and we are able to sit and talk with you all in person, it will be easier to explain our complex experiences with Vipassana.

May all beings be happy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enlightened friends of 100 hours.
i wonder if the experience of solitude and silence for 10 days is at all like i've read about? i suppose one can only know by doing and/or not doing. interesting comparison to jail time. are your minds clearer. less cluttered? does chatter intensify wildly before it peals away the layers of your self.

i saw happy wood.