Tuesday, October 05, 2004

In McLeod Ganj

Early this morning we arrived at McLeod Ganj, home to the Tibetan government in exile, and many a good restaurants. The bus ride thru the night was the roughest so far, I was joking that if you could sleep on that bus you should be made rinpoche(highest lama priesthood, i think:). We arrived at 5 in the morning and after being followed by guest house personal, we settled down. Last two days in Manali were delightfully torrential rainy and we got to make the most of it. We camped out in our room, which we called our "island vacation", reading The World According to Garp among other things. Last day in Manali we hung out with our friend Ben and went to the river. We still feel discombabulated after last nights ride, plus I have a bump on my head from hitting the bus flap and Ingrid woke up with a blackish tongue with a taste of gunmetal in her mouth. It is cleanable, but we will go to the doctor tomarrow. Sorry mot nuch humor here now hope humor there.


Anonymous said...

Panjshambe: az shahar-e fi'al-uddil fi`a

Salaam Ingrid o Alp jaan.

Umiidvaar ke tabi`at-e khwaahar-am Ingrid behtar baashad. Be bimaaristaan raftii? Daaktar che guft? Che khabar-e? Az McLeod Ganj kojaa mii raviid? Kai? Be Dilli bar migardiid? Baa bin Jamin safar mi kaniid?

Iin safarnaame che khuub-e!


Anonymous said...

Ich muß sagen, daß es der große Spaß zum Hinzufügen von Anmerkungen Ihrem blog in einer anderen Sprache ist. Es ist eine gute Weise, Interesse in einer undurchlässigen Weise auszudrücken. Auf jeden Fall glaube ich, daß Sie eine gute Zeit haben. Ingrid, hoffe ich, daß Sie gingen, einen Doktor zu besuchen, um herauszufinden, was dieses Problem war. Wo ist Benjamin diese Tage? Erhielten Sie ein SMS von meinem Geliebtfreund? Ich vermisse Sie beide soviel. Wenn Sie Schwierigkeitsverständnis haben, empfehle ich, daß Sie dieses website besuchen!


Von Ihren (einsamen) älteren Geschwister!

Anonymous said...

Infelizmente, o sistema digestivo do Max o cão está funcionando mal hoje. Eu penso de que comeu demasiado muitos deleites do cão do comerciante Joe. A outra possibilidade é que consumiu um pouco de diarrhea do projectile de um outro cão ontem quando nós fomos em nossa caminhada da manhã ao parque. Eu espero que comece melhor logo.