Friday, October 29, 2004

To the Land of the Beatle Yogis

We are heading for Haridwar, then Rishikesh, where the Beatles found their guru, tomarrow on a train that will take 21 hours. Not setting the alarm right, we didn't wake up this morning to take a boat on the sunrise, but we hope to do it tomarrow as we have to get up early for our train anyhow. We sit out on our terrace, which looks upon an ancient temple and the ganges and watch monkeys in the afternoon. It is very strange in Varanasi that these beautifully intricate temples are alot of times adjacent to new buildings that are built almost on top of the temples. There is a Sonic Youth concert going on a lot of places and a lot of times in Varanasi, the one we like the most is right before sunrise, right outside our room. These Sonic Youth imitators seem to live in the temples, probably running from the law for copyright infringement on a number of Sonic Youth songs. They use metal pots and drums and whatelse for instruments, Ingrid suggested that it might be religious or something like that but I am sure they are copyright infringing punk rockers!
We want to give Marie Landragin a big-up shout-out for her tireless and excellent blog commentary. Yo Marie~ big-up! dats right... you see kids, commentary does pay!

?What is your preferred method execution?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alp. come on. we are trying to stay positive here.
but... i reckon if i had to chose, it'd be death by a pill that put me to sleep and then i died in my sleep. i am not much for pain or gore, so the least painful, the better. how come you guys never answer you own questions. you know, we too are interested in your responses.